I don't even think I can accurately summarize the rest of the year that has passed since I posted last... lots of blood, sweat, and tears...
But lets just say... 2011 will bring about many changes....hopefully all good. I don't like making "resolutions" because those have the stigma of being broken by the 5th or so of January... so every year I commit to be better than the year before and commit to a healthier lifestyle and healthier/better choices than the previous year...and every year, I do accomplish it. So I will continue to make this pact with myself to live yet another year in better form...
I have my own demons to conquer - namely - MYSELF. I am my own worst enemy...my greatest foe...the force that brings me down in a single thought...the most powerful adversary that I will ever meet... I have a unique way of messing myself up worse than anyone else can...or will...and can destroy myself with a single thought.
I hope 2011 can quiet some of the demons that sit atop my shoulder as I race or simply go through life.
I have a lot on tap for 2011...and a lot of goals to meet and negativity to destroy.
I am also going to try to post 1 picture and a brief blog EVERY day for 2011. We'll see if that happens... (hence why I won't resolve to do it)
Perhaps this year, with the help of my awesome coach (Bryan Hill and Catalyst Endurance Coaching/Rehab United), my best friends and training partners (Jax, Randi, Kara, Mary, etc etc etc) and a whole lot of inspiration (Whit, Liz, Julie, Beth, Desi, Michelle, and the list goes on and on and on) this will be one of the best years of my life. (And I'm sure I've forgotten MANY MANY people in that short list of people). Well... here goes...January 1st, 2011 - I go up an age group... lets see if I can't go up in everything else as well...except weight... that I'd prefer to see on a downward trend.
Here's to 2011... BRING IT.